Sep 20 -:Professor, Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST, Korea

Mar 19 – Jun 21:Director, Division of Arts, Culture and Convergence, NRF, Korea

Sep 07 – Aug 20:Associate Professor, Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST, Korea

Sep 10 – Aug 20:Joint Professor, KI for Artificial Intelligence, KAIST, Korea

Sep 12 – July 13:Invited Professor, Dept. of Industrial Design, NCKU, Taiwan

Nov 08 – Aug 17:Joint Professor, Dept. of Knowledge Service Engineering, KAIST, Korea

Sep 02 – Feb 08:Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Computational Design, NYUST, Taiwan

Dec 02:Ph.D. in School of Architecture (Computational Design), CMU, USA
Thesis title: Integrating Housing Design and Case-Based Reasoning

Aug 93 – Jun 96:Ph.D. coursework in Housing & Interior Design, Yonsei University, Korea

Feb 93:M. S. in Housing & Interior Design, Yonsei University, Korea

Feb 91:B. S. in Housing & Interior Design, Yonsei University, Korea



Yi, T., Lee, H., Yum, J. & Lee, J.-H(2022). The influence of visitor-based social contextual information on visitors’ museum experience. PLos ONE XX (X), xxxx. SCIE (IF=3.240) – May 22

Chang, M., Yi, T., Hong, S., Lai, P.Y., Jun, J. & Lee, J.-H. (2022). Identifying Museum Visitors via Social Network Analysis. Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage XX (X). SCIE (IF=2.02) – May 22


Chang, M. & Lee, J.-H. (2021). Augmented proximity: integration of physical and virtual proximity to enhance network connectivity. PLos ONE 16(11): e0260349. SCIE

Lee, G. & Lee, J.-H. (2021). Spatial Correlation Analysis with the Indicators of the Anthropocene focusing on Atmospheric Pollution: A Case Study of Seoul. Ecological Indicator 125, Article 107535. SCIE

Rhim, J., Lee, J.-H., Chen, M. & Lim, A. (2021). A deeper look at autonomous vehicle ethics: An integrative ethical decision-making framework to explain moral pluralism. Frontiers in Robotics and AI: Ethics in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. SCOPUS, ESCI

Hong, S., Yi, T., Yum, J. & Lee, J.-H. (2021). Visitor-artwork network analysis using object detection with image-retrieval technique. Advanced Engineered Informatics 48, Article 101307, SCIE

Yi, T., Chang, M., Hong, S. & Lee, J.-H. (2021). Use of Eye-tracking in Artworks to Understand Information Needs of Visitors. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 37 (3), 220-233. SCIE


Lee, J.-H. (Editor) (2020). A New Perspective of Cultural DNA (KAIST Research Series) . Singapore: Springer (Sep 24, 2020).

Kim, M. & Lee, J.-H. (2020). Color Reproduction in Virtual Lip Makeup using Convolutional Neural Network. Color Research and Application 45 (6), 1190-1201. SCIE

Choi, Y., Hyun, K.-H. & Lee, J.-H. (2020). Image-based Tactile Emojis: Improved Interpretation of Message Intention and Subtle Nuance for Visually Impaired Individuals. Human-Computer Interaction 35 (1), 40-69. SCIE

Rhim, J., Lee, G. & Lee, J.-H. (2020). Human Moral Reasoning Types in Autonomous Vehicle Moral Dilemmas: A cross-cultural comparison of Korea and Canada. Computers in Human Behavior 102 , 39-56. SSCI


Lee, J.-H. (Editor) (2019). Computer-Aided Architectural Design futures 2019: “Hello, Culture!”, Selected Papers for the 18th International Conference, CAAD Futures 2019 . 26-28 June, Daejeon, Korea. Singapore: Springer (June, 2019).

Min, A. & Lee, J.-H. (2019). A Conceptual framework for the externalization of ecological wisdon: The case of traditional Korean gardens. Sustainability 11 (19), 5298. SCIE


Lee, J.-H. (Editor) (2018). Computational Studies on Cultural Variation and Heredity (KAIST Research Series) . Singapore: Springer. (April 23, 2018)

Kim, I., Hong, SJ., Lee, J.-H. & Bazin, J.-C. (2018). Overlay Design Methodology for virtual environment design within digital games. Advanced Engineering Informatics 38 , 458-473. SCIE

Hyun, K.-H. & Lee, J.-H. (2018). Balancing Homogeneity and Heterogeneity in Design Exploration by Synthesizing Novel Design Alternatives based on Genetic Algorithm and Strategic Styling Decision. Advanced Engineering Informatics 38 , 113-128. SCIE

Mar 21:사용자 맞춤형 추천을 위한 집단지성형 사례기반추론 시스템 및 그 방법, 한국과학기술원, 등록일자: 2021.03.15., 특허번호: 제 10-2229768 호, 이지현, 이태하, 이채석, 최민규, 라이 포 얀, 김미래, 이용주, 특허등록.

Mar 20:지능형 실내 공간 서비스를 위한 공간의 기능 및 의미를 포함한 실내 공간 모델링 방법 , 한국과학기술원, 등록일자: 2020.03.24, 특허번호: 제 10-2095120 호, 이채석, 홍석주, 이지현, 특허등록.

Jul 18:생물학적 시스템 정보 처리 장치 및 방법 , 한국과학기술원, 특허번호: 제 10-1881398 호, 이지현, 김선중, 특허등록.


Jun 21 – Jun 23:A study on service design centered on local residents to improve local value in the field of culture / education based on Big Data analysis (지역가치 향상을 위한 문화 / 교육 분야의 빅데이터 기반 지역 주민 중심 서비스 디자인 연구), granted by National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF PM 지원연구) [200,000,000], PI.

Mar 19 – Feb 23:Study on developing exhibition information modeling framework and mobile guide service for visitor-centered meseums (관람객 중심 미술관을 위한 전시 정보 모델링 프레임워크 개발 및 모바일 관람 서비스 개발 연구), granted by National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF 중견연구) [N01190532, 360,000,000 won], PI .

Aug 21 – Aug 22 : Development of a medical device portal and an information provision online magazine combined with the medical device database from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (식약처의 의료기기 정보 DB와 결합된 의료기기 포탈과 정보제공 온라인 매거진 개발), granted by Ministry of SMEs and Startups & MedAlls [N04210203, 45,330,000], Co-PI.


Jan 21 – Jun 22:HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) 기반 e-러닝 웹플랫폼 사용성 및 디자인 개선, granted by 주식회사 젭스 [G01210001, 66,000,000 won], PI .

Jun 18 – Feb 20:Anthropocene Research Center (인류세 연구 센터), granted by National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) [N01180660, 164,000,000 won (2018-2019 fiscal year)], Co-Investigator .

Jun 17 – May 19:Study on Motion Adaptation for Telepresence Avatars in Dissimilar Remote Space (상이 공간 내 텔레프레즌스 아바타를 위한 동작 적응화 기법 연구), granted by Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. [G01170170, 145,000,000 won (2017-2019 fiscal year)], Co-Investigator .

Dec 16 – Apr 19:Development of Intelligent Interaction Technology Based on Context Awareness and Human Intention Understanding (사용자의 의도와 맥락을 이해하는 지능형 인터랙션 기술 연구 개발), granted by National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) [N01160837,
135,000,000 won (2018-2019 fiscal year)] , Co-Investigator.

Oct 17 – Oct 18:Big Data 시대의 수변부동산 가치분석 및 예측시스템 구축과 마케팅 전략수립 (수변사업 고도화 연구용역), granted by K water. [N04170207, 76,800,000 won], PI .

Nov 16 – Jul 17:Socio-spatial solution of space design for home sharing (공동거주(home sharing)를 위한 인간친화 공간설계 종합솔루션 개발), granted by National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) [N01160786, 80,000,000 won] , PI.

Apr 16 – Dec 16:한옥의 유지, 보수, 관리를 위한 온톨로지 기반 관리대책 추천 시스템, granted by KAIST (석박사모험연구) [N11160114, 20,000,000 won] , PI.

Dec 14 – Nov 16:RCMS 제조업의 서비스화 지원 프레임워크 개발, granted by 성균관대학교 [N02140377, 21,789,000 + 35,000,000 = 56,789,000 won] , Co-Investigator.

Aug 16 – Oct 16:UX 리서치를 통한 OTP 기능 탑재 Input 디바이스의 사용성 향상 연구, granted by 크루셜텍주식회사 [G01160223, 45,000,000 won] , PI.

Jun 13 – May 16:Developing a case-based reasoning system to analyze environmental structures and soft services to support leisure space management (테마공간을 구성하는 환경 및 서비스 디자인 요소를 설계, 평가 및 관리하기 위한 사례기반 추론시스템 개발), granted by National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF 기초연구) [2013R1A1A2011173, 147,711,000 won], PI.

Jul 15 – Dec 15:초학제적 Bio-inspired Design을 지원하는 Biological Model (Idea) DB 및 Global 탐색기술 개발 연구, granted by KAIST (석박사모험연구사업) [N01150655, 30,000,000 won] , PI.

Mar 15 – Dec 15:대학 기업가센터 지원사업, granted by (사)창업진흥원 [N04150108, 10,000,000 won] , PI.

Mar 15 – Oct 15:자동차 디자인의 색상 및 재질과 사용자의 감성에 대한 관계 규명, granted by 한국과학영재학교 (HRP) [N01150064, 4,500,000 won] , PI.

Sep 14 – Mar 15:대학 기업가센터 지원사업, granted by (사)창업진흥원 [N04140205, 7,000,000 won] , PI.

Jan 14 – Dec 14:신체부자유자를 위한 상황인지 실감형 인터페이스 기반 통합형 콘트롤러 시스템 디자인, granted by KAIST [N01140037, 30,000,000 won] , PI.

Oct 11 – Sep 13:Development of a Framework for Adaptive Product-Service System (PSS) Design (지능형 제품-서비스 통합 시스템 디자인 프레임워크 구축), granted by 에스팜소프트주식회사 [N02110447, N02120250, 120,400,000 won], PI.

May 09 – Apr 12:Development of design-service system environment integrating case-based reasoning and ontology to support intelligent building information retrieval and learning (지능적인 건축물 정보 검색 및 학습을 지원하는 온톨로지-기반의 통합된 사례기반 추론 설계 서비스 시스템 환경 구축에 관한 연구) , granted by National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF 신진연구) [2009-0066313, 121,206,000 won], PI.

Jan 11 – Dec 11:Next-Generation eBook (차세대 eBook (openEBook)), granted by KAIST [N10110045, 20,000,000 won], Co-Investigator.

Oct 10 – Feb 11:인터랙티브 주택 상품 개발 및 마케팅 기술 마스터플랜 구축 , granted by 삼성물산(주) [G01100217, 20,000,000 won], Co-Investigator.

Nov 09 – Jan 10:Hubo Content Design Research Development (휴보 콘텐츠 디자인 연구 개발) , granted by (주)휴보통상 [G01090204, 20,000,000 won], PI.

Mar 19:Sasada Prize , The Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA).

Mar 19 – Jun 21: Director, Division of Arts, Culture and Convergence (문화융복합단장) , National Research Foundation, Korea .

Mar 19:Selected, 2019 KAIST Annual R&D Report , with Dr. Eek-Su Leem, KAIST, Korea .

Mar 18:Selected, 2018 KAIST Annual R&D Report , with Dr. Sunjoong Kim, KAIST, Korea .

Feb 18:Selected, Future Women Leaders 100 (연세대학교 미래여성지도자상) , Yonsei University .

Sep 17:통권 5호 우수논문 (홍석주, 이지현) , Design Research, 한국디자인리서치학회 .

Nov 16:우수발표상 , 한국게임학회 2016 추계학술발표대회 .

Sep 16:통권 2호 우수논문 (현경훈, 박정기, 이지현) , Design Research, 한국디자인리서치학회 .

Apr 16:Young CAADRIA Award (as a co-author and advising the conference paper for the student, Jiho Lee).

Jul 13:Best Paper Award , CAAD futures 2013, Shanghai, China .

Apr 12:Young CAADRIA Award (as a co-author and advising the conference paper for the student, Jieun Park).

Nov 11:Excellent Paper Award , Korea Construction IT Convergence Institute.

2008 – 2011Listed on Marquis Who’s Who in the World .

2008:Listed on International Biographical Centre (IBC) 2008 (2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century 5th Edition) .

Apr 07:Young CAADRIA Award (as a co-author and advising the conference paper for the student, Tian-Chiu Li).

Apr 04:Young CAADRIA Award (as a co-author and advising the conference paper for the student, Wei-feng Hong).

1998 – 2002:Full Scholarship Grantee as a Research Assistant, sponsored by SEED Project in Institute for Complex Engineered Systems , Carnegie Mellon University , USA.

1996 – 1999:Korean Government Oversea Scholarship Grantee (국비장학생) , Architecture and Civil Engineering, Ministry of Education & Human Resources Development, Korea.

Feb 90:Foreign Country Tour Program (Russia & Germany) sponsored by Korea Research Foundation as the President of Student Association at College of Human Ecology in Yonsei University , Korea.

1987 – 1990:Full Scholarship Grantee sponsored by Jeongsu Scholarship Foundation , Korea.

Expert , NTIS (국가과학기술지식정보서비스) R&D 백과사전 문화기술 분야.

Editor-in-chief (편집위원장) , 한국디자인리서치학회 (KiDRS).

학술이사 , 서비스디자인 이노베이션학회 (KSSDI).

이사 , 한국HCI학회 .

편집위원 , 한국HCI학회 .

Vice Chair , the 9th International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition (DCC’20) , Georgia Institute Technology, Atlanta, USA

Program Committee , the 9th International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition (DCC’20) , Georgia Institute Technology, Atlanta, USA

Paper Reviewer , the 25th International Conference on CAADRIA , 7-10 April, Bangkok, Thailand.

Task Force Member , IEEE CIS ISATC: “Intelligent Adaptive Fault Tolerant Control, Optimization and Reliability” .

Expert , NTIS (국가과학기술지식정보서비스) R&D 백과사전 문화기술 분야.

Editor-in-chief (편집위원장) , 한국디자인리서치학회 (KiDRS).

학술이사 , 서비스디자인 이노베이션학회 (KSSDI).

이사 , 한국HCI학회 .

편집위원 , 한국HCI학회 .

이사 , 한국건설IT융합학회.

대전광역시 대덕구 공공디자인진흥위원회 위원 , 대전시 대덕구청.

Conference Chair , the 18th International Conference on CAAD futures 2019, 26-28 June, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea.

Paper Reviewer , Advanced Engineering Informatics, Elsevier (SCIE)

Paper Reviewer , Computer-Aided Architectural Design futures (CAAD futures 2019) , 26-28 June, Daejeon, Korea.

Paper Reviewer , the 24th International Conference on CAADRIA, 15-18 April, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.

Task Force Member , IEEE CIS ISATC: “Intelligent Adaptive Fault Tolerant Control, Optimization and Reliability” .

Expert , NTIS (국가과학기술지식정보서비스) R&D 백과사전 문화기술 분야.

Editor-in-chief (편집위원장) , 한국디자인리서치학회 (KiDRS).

학술이사 , 서비스디자인 이노베이션학회 (KSSDI).

이사 , 한국HCI학회 .

편집위원 , 한국HCI학회 .

이사 , 한국건설IT융합학회.

대전광역시 대덕구 공공디자인진흥위원회 위원 , 대전시 대덕구청.

Conference Chair , the 18th International Conference on CAAD futures 2019, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea (2019년 CAAD futures 한국 유치 성공!)

Program Committee , the 8th International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition (DCC’18) , Milano Polytechnic, Lecco (Milan), Italy

Vice Chair , the 8th International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition (DCC’18) , Milano Polytechnic, Lecco (Milan), Italy

Paper Reviewer , Advanced Engineering Informatics, Elsevier (SCIE)

Paper Reviewer , Computers & Industrial Engineering, Elsevier (SCIE)

Paper Reviewer , 한국디자인리서치학회 통권 6호 논문 , 한국디자인리서치학회 (KiDRS).

Paper Reviewer , Computer-Aided Architectural Design futures (CAAD futures 2019) , 26-28 June, Daejeon, Korea.

Paper Reviewer , the 36th International Conference on eCAADe (eCAADe 2018) , 17-21 September, Lodz, Poland.

Paper Reviewer , the 23rd International Conference on CAADRIA (CAADRIA 2018) , 17-19 May, Beijing, China.

Paper Reviewer , Design Research Society (DRS) International Conference 2018 , 25-28 June, Limerick, Ireland.

Paper Reviewer , the 2018 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2018) , 8-13 July, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Invited Talk , “Artificial Intelligence in Design” @Ling-tung University, hosted by Prof. Huai-wei Liu, 20 November, Taichung, Taiwan.

Invited Talk , “Formal Approaches to the Study of Culture” @Postech, hosted by Prof. Juhong Park, 7 November, Pohang, Korea.

Task Force Member , IEEE CIS ISATC: “Intelligent Adaptive Fault Tolerant Control, Optimization and Reliability” .
Expert , NTIS (국가과학기술지식정보서비스) R&D 백과사전 문화기술 분야.
Editor-in-chief (편집위원장) , 한국디자인리서치학회 (KIDRS).
학술이사 , 서비스디자인 이노베이션학회 (KSSDI).
이사 , 한국HCI학회 .
편집위원 , 한국HCI학회 .
학술이사 , 한국디자인학회 .
이사 , 한국건설IT융합학회.
성남시 경관위원회 위원 , 성남시 디자인정책과.
대덕구 경관위원회 위원 , 대전시 대덕구청 건축과.
Organizer , the 2nd Cultural DNA Workshop, January 13, GSCT, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea.
Program Committee , Asia – Design Engineering Workshop 2017 (A-DEWS 2017) , Seoul, Korea
Paper Reviewer , Behaviour & Information Technology , Taylor & Francis (SCIE)
Paper Reviewer , Advanced Engineering Informatics, Elsevier (SCIE)
Paper Reviewer , Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier (SCIE)
Paper Reviewer , Journal of the HCI Society of Korea, The HCI Society of Korea (KCI)
Paper Reviewer , The ACM CHI 2018, April 21-26, Montréal, Canada.
Paper Reviewer , the 7th International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR 2017) , Oct 31 – Nov 3, Cincinnati, OH, USA.
Paper Reviewer , t he 35th eCAADe Conference (eCAADe 2017) , Sep 20 – 22, Rome, Italy.
Paper Reviewer , the 2017 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2017) , 5-8 June, Donostia – San Sebastián, Spain.
Paper Reviewer , the 22nd International CAADRIA Conference 2017 , 5-8 April, Suzhou, China.
Invited Talk , “Formal Approaches to the Study of Culture” @Crowne Plaza, hosted by the Australia-Korea Design and Language Symposium, August 4, Newcastle, Australia.
Invited Talk , “Architecture and Artificial Intelligence” @청송관 152, Yonsei University (Wonju), hosted by Yong Seo Jung, May 18, Wonju, Korea.

Task Force Member , IEEE CIS ISATC: “Intelligent Adaptive Fault Tolerant Control, Optimization and Reliability” .

Expert , NTIS (국가과학기술지식정보서비스) R&D 백과사전 문화기술 분야.

Editor-in-chief (편집위원장) , 한국디자인리서치학회 (KIDRS).

학술이사 , 서비스디자인 이노베이션학회 (KSSDI).

이사 , 한국HCI학회 .

편집위원 , 한국HCI학회 .

학술이사 , 한국디자인학회 .

이사 , 한국건설IT융합학회.

성남시 경관위원회 위원 , 성남시 디자인정책과.

대덕구 경관위원회 위원 , 대전시 대덕구청 건축과.

Program Committee , the 11th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interactions (TEI 2017) , 20-23 March, Yokohama, Japan.

Program Committee , the 14th International Conference on Smart Homes and Health Telematics (ICOST 2016) , May 25-28, Wuhan, China.

Paper Reviewer , Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier (SCIE)

Paper Reviewer , Behaviour & Information Technology , Taylor & Francis (SCIE)

Paper Reviewer , Computers & Industrial Engineering (CAIE) , Elsevier (SCIE)

Paper Reviewer , Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, Society for Computational Design and Engineering (KCI)

Paper Reviewer , Journal of the HCI Society of Korea, The HCI Society of Korea (KCI)

Paper Reviewer , Archives of Design Research, Korea Society of Design Science (KCI)

Paper Reviewer , The 7th International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR 2017) , Oct 31 – Nov 3, Cincinnati, OH, USA.

Paper Reviewer , The 5th International Conference on Civil Engineering and Urban Planning (CEUP 2016) , 23-26 August, Zhangjiajie, Hunan, China.

Paper Reviewer , The 50th Anniversary DRS Conference 2016 , 27-30 June, Brighton, UK.

Paper Reviewer , the 14th International Conference on Smart Homes and Health Telematics (ICOST 2016) , May 25-28, Wuhan, China.

Paper Reviewer , The 21st International CAADRIA Conference 2016 , 30 March – 2 April, Melbourne, Australia.

Paper Reviewer , 한국디자인학회 2016 봄 국제학술대회 발표논문 , 21 May, 한국예술종합학교 석관캠퍼스, Seoul, Korea.

Session Chair , “2A: Shape Studies”, the 21th International CAADRIA Conference 2016 , March 30 – April 2, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.

Invited Talk , “Meaning and Role of Culture Technology (CT)” @Bongkyung Hall, Keimyung University, hosted by Hyun Jung Kim, December 20, Daegu, Korea.

Invited Talk , “Computational Design: research interests & expected areas of collaboration with QUT” @Queensland University of Technology, hosted by Prof. Jaz Choi (Creative Industries Faculty), December 12-13, Brisbane City QLD 4000, Australia.

Invited Talk , “Cultural DNA: AI in design & culture applications” @Samsung Hall, Yonsei University, hosted by Australia-Korea Design and Language Symposium, October 14, Seoul, Korea.

Invited Talk , “Cultural DNA: AI in design & culture applications for digital heritage” @Hwangnyongwon, hosted by International Symposium on Digital Cultural Heritage (ISDCH2016), August 3, Gyeongju, Korea.

Invited Talk , “Cultural DNA: AI in Design & Culture Applications” @Academy Hall, Design Lab 3F, Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP), hosted by Korea Academy of Complexity Studies & Seoul Design Foundation, June 4, Seoul, Korea.

Invited Talk , “Cultural DNA: AI in Design & Culture Applications” @Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), hosted by Dr. Sung Woong Shin, May 9, Daejeon, Korea.

Task Force Member , IEEE CIS ISATC: “Intelligent Adaptive Fault Tolerant Control, Optimization and Reliability” .

Expert , NTIS (국가과학기술지식정보서비스) R&D 백과사전 문화기술 분야.

학술이사 , 서비스디자인 이노베이션학회 (KSSDI).

이사 , 한국건설IT융합학회.

학술이사 , 한국디자인학회 .

운영이사 , 한국HCI학회 .

학술이사 , 한국생활환경학회 .

학과 교육과정 자문 (consulting) , 단국대학교 창의융합제조공학과.

대덕구 경관위원회 위원 , 대덕구청 건축과.

Organizer , the 1st Cultural DNA Workshop and Shape Grammar Workshop, November 20-21, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea.

Program Committee , the 13th International Conference On Smart homes and health Telematics (ICOST 2015) , June 10-12, Geneva, Switzerland.

Paper Reviewer , International Journal of Design (SCIE)

Paper Reviewer , Behaviour & Information Technology , Taylor & Francis (SCIE)

Paper Reviewer , Journal of  Intelligent Manufacturing , Springer (SCIE)

Paper Reviewer , Computers & Industrial Engineering , Elsevier (SCIE)

Paper Reviewer , Journal of Korea Society of Design Science, Korea Society of Design Science (KCI).

Paper Reviewer , The HCI Society of Korea (KCI).

Paper Reviewer , The 6th International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR 15) , Nov 2-5, Brisbane, Australia.

Paper Reviewer , the 13th International Conference on Smart homes and health Telematics (ICOST 2015) , Jun 10-12, Geneva, Switzerland.

Paper Reviewer , the 20th International CAADRIA Conference 2015 , May 20-23, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea.

Jury for the Best Presentation Award , the 20th International CAADRIA Conference 2015 , May 20-23, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea.

Session Chair , “7B: Virtual Architecture and City Modeling”,  the 20th International CAADRIA Conference 2015 , May 20-23, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea.

Task Force Member , IEEE CIS ISATC: “Intelligent Adaptive Fault Tolerant Control, Optimization and Reliability” .

Expert , NTIS (국가과학기술지식정보서비스) R&D 백과사전 문화기술 분야.

Co-chair , Postgraduate Student Consortium (PGSC) of the 19th International CAADRIA Conference 2014, CAADRIA .

학술이사 , 서비스디자인 이노베이션학회 (KSSDI).

이사 , 한국건설IT융합학회.

이사 , Service Design Council (사단법인 서비스디자인협의회).

학술이사 , 한국디자인학회 .

운영이사 , 한국HCI학회 .

학술이사 , 한국생활환경학회 .

International Program Committee , t he 3rd International Conference on Design Creativity (3rd ICDC) .

Program & Organizing Committee , the 3rd Korean National Conference on Service Design, Dec 19, Seoul, Korea.

Program Committee , HCI Korea 2015 .

Referee in Innovative Design Contest , 2014 Design Engineering Workshop (DEWS 2014) , Nov 21, Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, Taipei, Taiwan.

학문후속세대지원사업 신규과제 선정평가 ,  한국연구재단 문화융복합단 .

Paper Reviewer , Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering. (SCIE)

Paper Reviewer , Computers & Industrial Engineering, Elsevier. (SCIE)

Paper Reviewer , Advanced Engineering Informatics, Elsevier. (SCIE)

Paper Reviewer , The 2015 Association for Computing Machinery’s (ACM) CHI conference (CHI 2015) , Seoul, Korea.

Paper Reviewer , 한국디자인학회 가을국제학술대회 발표논문 (KCI)

Paper Reviewer , HCI Korea 2015 .

Paper Reviewer , The 2014 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp 2014) , Seattle, WA, USA.

Paper Reviewer , The 4th International Service Innovation Design Conference (ISIDC 2014) , Sarawak, Malaysia.

Paper Reviewer , International Conference on Innovative Technologies in Construction (ITC 2014), Shenyang, China .

Paper Reviewer , Design Research Society (DRS)  International Conference 2014, Umea, Sweden .

Paper Reviewer , the 19th International CAADRIA Conference 2014 , May 14-17, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyoto, Japan.

Session Chair , “UX & Service 1 (SD3)”, HCIK 2015 학술대회 , Dec 10, Grand Hilton Seoul Convention Center, Seoul, Korea.

Session Chair , “Technical Session 2: Design Informatics”,  2014 Design Engineering Workshop (DEWS 2014) , Nov 20, Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, Taipei, Taiwan.

Session Chair , 2014 한국디자인학회 봄국제학술발표대회, May 24, 인천대학교, Korea.

Invited Talk , “Shape Grammar: expected areas of collaboration with ETRI” @Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), hosted by Dr. Sung Woong Shin, Jul 8, Daejeon, Korea.

Invited Talk , “Computational Design: research interests and expected areas of collaboration with ETRI” @Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), hosted by Dr. Sung Woong Shin, Mar 19, Daejeon, Korea.

Expert , NTIS (국가과학기술지식정보서비스) R&D 백과사전 문화기술 분야.

Co-chair , Postgraduate Student Consortium (PGSC) of the 18th International CAADRIA Conference 2013, CAADRIA .

이사 , 한국건설IT융합학회.

이사 , Service Design Council (사단법인 서비스디자인협의회).

학술이사 , 한국생활환경학회 .

Doctoral Colloquium Advisor , the 5th  International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR 2013) , Aug 26-30, Tokyo, Japan.

Program & Organizing Committee Co-Chairs , the 2nd Korean National Conference on Service Design (kSDN) , Dec 19, Seoul, Korea.

Organising Committee , the 19th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 13) , Aug 19-22, Seoul, Korea.

Program Committee , the 5th International Conference on Service Science and Innovation (ICSSI 2013) , May 29-31, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Paper Reviewer , Advanced Engineering Informatics, Elsevier. (SCIE)

Paper Reviewer , Computers & Industrial Engineering, Elsevier. (SCIE)

Paper Reviewer , the 5th International Conference on Service Science and Innovation (ICSSI 2013) , May 29-31, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Paper Reviewer , the 18th International CAADRIA Conference 2013 , May 15-18, National University of Singapore, Singapore.

Session Chair , ” 11D: Service Design “,  the 5th International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR 13) , Aug 29, Tokyo, Japan.

Session Chair , ” S07: PSSD_D2 Service Design “,  the 19th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 13) , Aug 19, Seoul, Korea.

Invited Talk , “Introduction to KAIST, GSCT and my Research Interests” @ Yonsei University, hosted by Prof. Sooyoung Kim, Nov 25, Seoul, Korea.

Invited Talk , “Introduction to the Educational System of KAIST, GSCT and my Research Interests” @ Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, hosted by Prof. Yu Wu, Oct 22, Wuhan, China.

Invited Talk , “Understanding of Cultural Study through a Computational Approach”, HAU (Housing, Architecture & Urbanism) Lecture 2452 Series @ Korea Architects Institute, hosted by Prof. Jin-Ho Park, Sep 6, Seoul, Korea.

Invited Talk , “Introduction to the Educational System of KAIST, GSCT and my Research Interests” @ National Cheng Kung University, hosted by Prof. Chien-Hsu Chen, July 8, Tainan, Taiwan.

Keynote Speaker , “Formal Approaches to Understanding and Analyze Culture”, 2013 Chinese Institute of Design (CID) Annual Design Conference , hosted by Prof. Shing-Sheng Guan, May 25, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Invited Talk , “Analyzing Pattern Design through A Formal Approach”, Graduate School of Design @ National Yunlin University of Science & Technology, hosted by Prof. Shang-chia Chiou, March 20, Yunlin, Taiwan.

Invited Talk , “Computational Design: research interests and expected areas of collaboration with Industrial Design field”, College of Planning & Design @ National Cheng Kung University, hosted by Prof. Chien-Hsu Chen, Jan 15, Tainan, Taiwan.

Expert , NTIS (국가과학기술지식정보서비스) R&D 백과사전 문화기술 분야.

편집이사 , 생산 및 설계공학, (사)대한기계학회.

이사 , 한국건설IT융합학회.

이사 , Service Design Council (사단법인 서비스디자인협의회).

International Program Committee , International Conference on Innovative Design and Manufacturing (ICIDM 2012) , December 12-14, Taipei, Taiwan.

Program Committee , the 2nd International Conference on Design Creativity (ICDC 2012) , September 18-20, Glasgow, UK.

Program Committee , the 1st Korean National Conference on Service Design , July 19, COEX, Seoul, Korea.

Organizing Committee , Design Engineering Workshop 2012 , Jun 25-27, Seoul & Daejeon, Korea.

Exam Committee , National Public Employment Test (Grade 9) -Architectural Planning, Mar 15, Korea.

Paper Reviewer , Computers & Industrial Engineering, Elsevier. (SCIE)

Paper Reviewer , Transactions of the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers. (KCI)

Paper Reviewer , International Conference on Design Creativity (ICDC) 2012 , September 18-20, Glasgow, UK.

Paper Reviewer , Design Engineering Workshop (DEWS) 2012 , June 25-27, Seoul & Daejeon, Korea.

Paper Reviewer , Design Research Society (DRS) International Conference 2012, Bangkok, Thailand.

Director , Service Design 2012 Workshop , Jan 27-Feb 1, IBD Research Group, Descartes Lab., CT, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea.

Invited Talk , “Shape Grammar as a formal approach to investigate the cultural DNA”, Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management @ National Tsing Hua University, hosted by Prof. Chih-Hsing Chu, Oct 17, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

Invited Talk , “Shape Grammar: a formal approach to understand and analyze culture”, 2012 The 1st Future Environmental Design Competition for Children, hosted by Korean Institute of Interior Design, Aug 20, Seoul, Korea.

Invited Talk , “Cultural DNA: a formal approach to investigate culture”, 2012 International Conference on Cultural Creativity & Innovative Design @TransWorld University, May 2, Douliu, Taiwan.

Invited Talk , “Information-Based Design Research Group: research interests and expected areas of collaboration with industrial & system engineering field”, Department of Industrial & System Engineering @KAIST, Apr 4, Daejeon, Korea.

International Workshop , “A Formal Approach to the Study of Culture,” Department of Industrial Design @ National Cheng Kung University, hosted by Prof. Chien-Hsu Chen, Mar. 26-28, Tainan, Taiwan.

International Workshop , “Introduction to VECSiD Project as an Initiation,” Department of Civil and Architecture @ Sultan Qaboos University, hosted by Prof. Hesham Eissa (Cultural DNA for Islamic Art & Architecture Workshop), Jan. 1, Muscat, Oman.

Session Chair , “International Track (Business Track)”,  the 1st Korean National Conference on Service Design , July 19, COEX, Seoul, Korea .

Session Chair , “Session 5A – Generative, parametric, and evolutionary design II”,  the 17th CAADRIA Conference , April 26, Chennai, India .

Expert , NTIS (국가과학기술지식정보서비스) R&D 백과사전 문화기술 분야, Oct 2011.

편집위원 , 한국CADCAM학회 .

이사 , 한국건설IT융합학회, Oct 2011.

이사 , Service Design Council (사단법인 서비스디자인협의회), May 2011.

Program Committee , the 9th International Conference on Smart Homes and Health Telematics (ICOST 2011).

Paper Reviewer , Color Research and Application, Wiley. (SCI)

Paper Reviewer , Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, J-STAGE. (SCIE)

Paper Reviewer , Advanced Engineering Informatics, Elsevier. (SCIE)

Paper Reviewer , Computers & Industrial Engineering, Elsevier. (SCIE)

Paper Reviewer , Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, Wiley. (SCIE)

Paper Reviewer , Journal of the Korean Housing Association, The Korean Housing Association. (KCI)

Paper Reviewer , Journal of Korea Society of Design Science, Korea Society of Design Science. (KCI)

Paper Reviewer , the 9th International Conference on Smart Homes and Health Telematics (ICOST 2011).

Paper Reviewer , International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR) 2011 , Aula Congress Centre of Delft University of Technology, Delft, the Netherlands.

Invited Talk , “Introduction to KAIST, CT and My Research,” @ National Cheng Kung University, hosted by 2011 Young Designers Workshop, Oct. 18, Tainan, Taiwan.

전국과학전람회 자문 , 충북과학고, Jun. 29, 2011.

Invited Talk , “Shape Grammar”, Dept. of Architectural Engineering Yonsei University , hosted by Ghang Lee, May 20, Seoul, Korea.

Woman Into Science and Engineering (WISE) 방문특강 , 충북과학고, April 21, 2011.

Invited Talk , “Computational Design: Present and its Future”, Dept. of Housing and Interior Design Yonsei University , hosted by Eun-Sun Park, April 18, Seoul, Korea.

Secretary ,  The Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA).

편집위원 , 한국CADCAM학회 .

Program Committee , the 1st International Conference on Design Creativity (ICDC 2010) .

Program Committee , the 8th International Conference on Smart Homes and Health Telematics (ICOST 2010).

Paper Reviewer , Journal of Design Research, Inderscience Publishers Ltd. (SCIE)

Paper Reviewer , Journal of Korea Society of Design Science, Korea Society of Design Science . (KCI)

Paper Reviewer , the 8th International Conference on Smart Homes and Health Telematics (ICOST 2010) , Seoul, Korea.

Paper Reviewer , Design Research Society (DRS) International Conference 2010, Montreal, Canada.

Paper Reviewer , the 15th CAADRIA Conference , Hong Kong.

Session Chair , “Session 1C: Generative & Parametric – A”, the 15th CAADRIA Conference, Apr 7, Hong Kong.

해외워크샵 심사 , 서비스디자인 분과, 한국디자인진흥원, Oct. 21, 2010.

Secretary ,  The Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA).

편집위원 , 한국CADCAM학회 .

일반이사 , 한국디자인학회.

웹기반 통합디자인센터 자문 , 삼성물산 건설부문 주택사업본부.

Program Committee , ASME Asia-Pacific Engineering Education Congress (APEEC 2009).

Tutorial Chair , International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR) 2009 , COEX InterContinental Hotel, Seoul, Korea.

Organizing Committee , International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR) 2009 , COEX InterContinental Hotel, Seoul, Korea.

Session Chair , “Design Method2: Computational Design Method” and “Design Tool2: CAD”, International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR) 2009 , Oct 19, 21, COEX InterContinental Hotel, Seoul, Korea.

Director , Visual Exploration of Cultural Style in Design (VECSiD 2009) Workshop, Sep 24-25, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea.

Paper Reviewer , Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing (AI EDAM) Journal – Special Issue on Creativity: Simulation, Stimulation and Studies, Cambridge University Press.

Paper Reviewer , Transactions of the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers. (KCI)

Paper Reviewer , International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR) 2009 , COEX InterContinental Hotel, Seoul, Korea.

Session Chair , “Session 5A: Human-Computer Interaction”, the 14th CAADRIA Conference, Apr 23, Yunlin, Taiwan.

Paper Reviewer , the 14th CAADRIA Conference, Yunlin, Taiwan .

원고 검수 , “디자인과 기술의 융합”, 한국산업기술진흥원.

“Computational Design: intelligent computer-aided design”, Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management @National Ching hua University, hosted by Wei-Chang Yeh, Apr 20, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

“Computational Design: research interests and expected areas of collaboration with mechanical engineering field”, Department of Mechanical & System Design Engineering @Hongik University, hosted by Haeseong Jee, Mar 26, Seoul, Korea.

Introduction to Computational Design and video demonstration, Dept. of Industrial Design@ KAIST, hosted by Youn-kyung Lim, Mar 10, Daejeon, Korea.

“Computational Design Applications in Architectural Engineering”, Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering@Sultan Qaboos University, hosted by Hesham Eissa, Jan 17, Muscat, Oman.

Secretary ,  The Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA).

Paper Selection Committee , Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (CAADRIA) .

일반이사 , 한국디자인학회.

웹기반 통합디자인센터 자문 , 삼성물산 건설부문 주택사업본부.

Program Committee , ASME Asia-Pacific Engineering Education Congress (APEEC 2008).

Paper Reviewer , Journal of Computers & Industrial Engineering, Elsevier .

Paper Reviewer , ANZAScA 08 .

Paper Reviewer , the 13th CAADRIA Conference, Chiang Mai, Thailand .

지식경제오픈포럼 패널초청 , Dec 18, 지식경제부/한국산업기술재단.

디자인 기반기술 개발사업 로드맵 및 과제도출 위원회 , Oct 2, 지식경제부/한국디자인진흥원.

“Computational Design in Architecture: Present and its Future”, Dept. of Housing and Interior Design Yonsei University , hosted by Mikyoung Ha, Nov 4, Seoul, Korea.

“Computational Design: Present and its Future”, 학술심포지엄: 정보사회의 주거디자인, 충북대학교 생활과학연구소, hosted by 박경옥교수, Sep 23, 청주.

Paper Selection Committee , Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (CAADRIA) .

International Workshop Committee , 2007 International Digital Context Innovation Design (IDCID) , Sep 26 – Oct 5, NYUST, Taiwan.

Paper Reviewer , Journal of Korea Society of Design Science, Korea Society of Design Science .

Session Chair , “Supporting Development”, HCI International 2007 , Jul 27, Beijing, China.

Session Chair , “Session 6B: Urban modeling: Decision Support Systems”, the 12th CAADRIA Conference, Apr 21, Nanjing, China.

Paper Reviewer , International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR) 2007 , The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.

International Workshop Committee , 2007 International Workshop/Conference of Interactive Creativity Design & Innovation, Jan 7-14, NYUST, Taiwan.

Introduction to Computational Design and video demonstration@Yonsei University, hosted by Yeonsook Lee, Feb 7, Dept. of Human Environment & Design , Seoul,

2013 (NCKU):Digital Design (2 credits for the Junior)

2011:ED100 Introduction to Design & Communication (3 credits for the Freshmen)

2018:Multidisciplinary Capstone Design II (3 credits for the undergraduate students)

2015, 2018:Human-Computer Interaction for CT (3 credits for the CT minor students)

2014:Make Things (3 credits for the CT minor students)

2013:Product-Service System Design (3 credits for the CT minor students)

2012 (NCKU):Design Methods (3 credits for the Sophormore)

2013 (NCKU):Knowledge-Based System Design (3 credits for the MS/PhD students)

2012:Topics in CD: Service Design (3 credits for the MS/PhD students)

2011, 2014, 2017:Digital Architecture (3 credits for the MS/PhD students)

2015 – 2018:HCI (3 credits for the MS/PhD students)

2011 – 2012, 2014:HCI (1.5 credits for the MS/PhD students): with Prof. Wohn

2009 – 2010:Human-Computer Interaction (1 credits for the MS/PhD students): with two Profs.

2010, 2016:Topics in CD: Research Methods (3 credits for the MS/PhD students): with Prof. Li

2008:Computing for Culture Technology (3 credits for the 1st semester students)

2008:Computational Design (3 credits for the MS/PhD students)

2012 (NCKU):Human-Computer Interaction (3 credits for the MS/PhD students)

2009, 2013:Computational Design (3 credits for the MS/PhD students)

2009, 2017:Knowledge-Based System Design & Modeling (3 credits for the MS/PhD students)

2008, 2011, 2014, 2015:Topics in CD: Knowledge-Based Systems (3 credits for the MS/PhD students)

2007:Culture Technology Project I (3 credits for the 2nd semester students)

* Course material is available in website for students who take the course.
* All Courses are developed and taught in English.

    2021Min, Aram, “The Acquisition and Application of Ecological Wisdom for Space Planning: In the Case of Korean Traditional Gardens”, final defense on Dec 2020.
    2020Rhim, Jimin, “Social-Value Embedded Ethical Decision-Making Framework of Autonomous Vehicles: A Cross-Cultural Study”, final defense on Nov 21, 2019.
    2019Leem, Eek Su, “Research on Games as Praxis”, final defense on Nov 29, 2018.
    2016Kim, Sun-Joong, “A Study for Metadata Structure and Recommender of Biological Systems to Support a Bio-inspired Design”, final defense on May 31, 2016.
    Hyun, Kyung Hoon, “Quantification of Styling Strategies on Management of Design”, final defense on May 26, 2016.
    Hsu, Tse-Wei , “On Establishing Spatial-Temporal Information Model for Spatial Cultural Heritage”, final defense on Jan 26, 2016 (co-advising with Prof. Chiou at NYUST).
    2013Wu, Yu, “A Framework for Product-Service System Design Case Similarity Measurement”, final defense on May 2013.
    Yuan, Xiaofang, “A Computational Approach for Design Creativity Assessment in Product Design”, final defense on May 2013.
    2010Park, Doyun, “A Study on the Affective Quality of Interactivity by Motion Feedback in Touch-screen User Interfaces”, final defense on Nov 2010.

    2021 Chang, Zhuming, “Regular Islamic Geometric Pattern Design and Application based on Shape Grammar Interpreter”, final defense on Dec 2020.
Dwivedi, Urvashi, “InCEPTIO: Vesica Piscis as a Receptacle for Metalic Ratios”, final defense on Dec 2020.
    2020 Hong, Sukjoo, “Visitor-centered Artwork Network Analysis using Object Detection”, final defense on June 2020.
Lee, Gyueun, “Spatial Correlation Analysis of the Indicators of Anthropocene using Urban Data”, final defense on Dec 2019.
    2019 Kim, Meereh, “Color Reproduction in Virtual Lip Makeup using Convolutional Neural Networks”, final defense on May 2019.
Choi, Minkyu, “Case-Based Reasoning with Multiple Regression Analysis for Real Estate Value Prediction”, final defense on May 2019.
Son, Woojin, Coursework Master, Aug 2019.
    2018 Lee, Gi-bbeum, “The Analysis of Human Moral Reasoning for the Moral Decision-Making of Autonomous Vehicles”, final defense on Dec 21, 2017.
    2017 Lee, Juyoung, “Attention Model of Between and During Tasks based on Wearable Activity Tracking”, final defense on Jun 16, 2017.
Jhang, Inhwan, Coursework Master, Feb 2017.
    2016 Kim, Hyungjoong, “A Study on Complexity Measure of Rhythmic Pattern and Human Preference in Evolutionary Art”, final defense on Dec 21, 2016.  Selected for Artist-in-Residence Program by Future lab , ARS ELECTRONICA. Ars Electronica Exhibition (September 3-7, 2015, Linz, Austria).
Narangerel, Amartuvshin, “Daylighting Based Parametric Design Exploration of 3D Façade Patterns”, final defense on Dec 22, 2016.
Lee, Ji Ho, “A Comparative Study on Thematic Building Color Usages based on Digital Image Analysis: focusing on regional and cultural differences in global theme parks”, final defense on June 21, 2016.
An, Sungeun, “Identifying the influence of design features on vehicle style recognition using contour deletion”, final defense on June 8, 2016.
Lee, Injung, “Revisited Edward T. Hall: Investigating Usage Behavior in Mediated Space represented by Smartphone Home Screen”, final defense on June 1, 2016.
Lee, Sang eun, “Color and Shape Recommendation System for CI/BI Logos based on Corporate/Brand Identity and Public Images”, final defense on Jan 4, 2016.
    2015 Choi, Yuri, “Imagery-based Tactile Emojis Provide Higher Emotional Clarity in Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) for the Visually Impaired”, final defense on Dec 9, 2015.
    2014 Min, Deedee Aram, “Incorporation of a vitality measure in socio-spatial analysis: A case of old city center in Daejeon, Korea”, final defense on Dec 18, 2014.
Seo, Na Kyoung, “Design of Voice Guidance Interface to Provide Situational Information under Adaptive Cruise Control System”, final defense on Jun 16, 2014.
Muhammad, Tufail, “A Framework for the Relationship between Psychological Persuasion and Empowerment towards Sustainable Heritage Tourism: A Case of Seokguram Grotto”, final defense on Jun 3, 2014.
    2012 Kim, Yoon-Hyun, “Game interface enhancement under smart-phone platform focused on touch-screen interaction”, final defense on Dec 21, 2012.
Kim, Sun-Joong, “Bio-information Based Parametric Modeling Methodology Research to Support Biomimetic Design for High-speed Trains”, final defense on Jun 1, 2012.
    2011 Yoo, Hyungkyoon, “User responses to computer-mediated corrective feedback in CALL: focused on learner notice to recast enhancement strategies”, final defense on Dec 19, 2011.
Park, Jieun, “Multi-family house design system based on component reusability”, final defense on Dec 19, 2011.
Park, Sangjin, “Content-based recommender of academic papers using citation analysis”, final defense on May 2011.
    2008 Chang, Ming-Lun, “Novel Generative Design System Based on Customers’ Affective Values”, final defense on Jan 2008.
Li, Tian-Chiu, “Design Rationale in User Participation Process”, final defense on Jan 2008.
    2017융합기초학부 설립추진위원회 , KAIST.
    KAIST 포용성 위원회 , KAIST.
    Curriculum Committee , College of Liberal Arts and Convergence Science, KAIST.
    Faculty Appointments & Promotions Committee , College of Liberal Arts and Convergence Science, KAIST.
    Chair for Curriculum Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    Chair for Deliberation Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    Chair for CT Minor Program , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    Vision Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    Faculty Appointments & Promotions Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    New Faculty Search Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    PhD and MS Entrance Exam Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    The BK21 Steering Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    2016KAIST 제 1회 여교수의 밤 기획 , KAIST.
    International Graduate Scholarship Fair (중국 국가장학생 대학원 입학설명회) to promote GSCT and KAIST , Beijing, China.
    Curriculum Committee , College of Liberal Arts and Convergence Science, KAIST.
    Chair for Curriculum Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    Chair for Deliberation Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    Chair for CT Minor Program , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    Chair  for Vision Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    Faculty Appointments & Promotions Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    New Faculty Search Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    New GSCT Head Search Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    PhD and MS Entrance Exam Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    The BK21 Steering Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    2015Deliberation Committee , College of Liberal Arts and Convergence Science, KAIST.
    Chair for Curriculum Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    Chair for Deliberation Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    Chair for CT Minor Program , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    Vision Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    The BK21 Steering Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    PhD and MS Entrance Exam Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    2014Deliberation Committee , College of Liberal Arts and Convergence Science, KAIST.
    Chair for Curriculum Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    Chair for Deliberation Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    Chair for CT Minor Program , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    Vision Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    The BK21 Steering Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    PhD and MS Entrance Exam Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    Chair for  Track III Faculties , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    2013Deliberation Committee , College of Liberal Arts and Convergence Science, KAIST.
 Curriculum Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    Deliberation Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    Faculty Search Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    Vision Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    Chair for  Track III Faculties , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    2012Deliberation Committee , College of Cultural Science, KAIST.
    Curriculum Deliberation Committee , College of Cultural Science, KAIST.
    Chair for Faculty Search Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
 Curriculum Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    International Collaboration Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    PhD and MS Entrance Exam Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    Chair for  Track III Faculties , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    2011Deliberation Committee , College of Cultural Science, KAIST.
    Curriculum Deliberation Committee , College of Cultural Science, KAIST.
 Chair for Supervisory Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
 Curriculum Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    Faculty Search Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    International Collaboration Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    PhD and MS Entrance Exam Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    Chair for  Track III Faculties , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
 2012 학사입시 면접위원, KAIST.
    2010Deliberation Committee , College of Cultural Science, KAIST.
    Curriculum Deliberation Committee , College of Cultural Science, KAIST.
    Chair  for Deliberation Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology , KAIST.
    Chair for PhD Qualified Exam Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
 Curriculum Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    Faculty Search Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    International Collaboration Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    PhD and MS Entrance Exam Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    융합자유선택 심사위원, KAIST
    2009Deliberation Committee , College of Cultural Science, KAIST.
    Curriculum Deliberation Committee , College of Cultural Science, KAIST.
    Chair  for Deliberation Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology , KAIST.
    Chair for PhD Qualified Exam Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
 Curriculum Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    Faculty Search Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    International Collaboration Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    PhD and MS Entrance Exam Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    2008Chair  for Deliberation Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology , KAIST.
    Chair for PhD Qualified Exam Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    Faculty Search Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    International Collaboration Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    PhD and MS Entrance Exam Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    Chair for Young Investigators’ Forum on Culture Technology, Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
 Advisor for administrating the School Brochure and Website (Korean and English), Graduate School of Culture Technology , KAIST, Korea.
 Advisor for Malaysia’s largest post graduate education fair , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (to promote CT and KAIST).
    2007Faculty Search Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    International Collaboration Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    PhD and MS Entrance Exam Committee , Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST.
    2008 학사입시 면접위원, KAIST
    2015 – Class Representative of 1987 , Dept. of Housing & Interior Design, Yonsei University.
    2008 – 2011Choir , Dae-deok Church , Daejeon, Korea.
    2004 – 2007English Translation Service , Dapi Church , Dapi, Taiwan.

    the Design Society

Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia  ( Secretary 2008-2010 )
IEEE Computational Intelligence Society  (Task Force Member)
한국디자인리서치학회 (편집위원장)
서비스디자인 이노베이션학회 (학술이사)
한국건설IT융합학회 (이사)
한국HCI학회 (운영이사)
한국디자인학회 (학술이사)

Architectural Institute of Korea
한국CADCAM학회 (편집위원 2009-2011)
Korea Intelligent Information Systems Society
생산 및 설계공학 부문  (편집이사 2012)
SIG-Design Creativity